Monday, July 22, 2013

SW:TOR - Stuff 'n' Things

(Oh look, a picture post...)

Still playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Still loving it. It's been a while since I've done any kind of posting on any of my blogs (except for Tumblr >.>), so here ya go.

Valkogo has completed his Chapter 1. I've barely started Ch. 2, but I'm looking forward to it, as soon as I can pull myself away from Arvallon. And I have to say, the whole chasing/finding/recruiting Jaesa bit? Sheer awesome.

He totally beat down Nomen Karr. Didn't even break a sweat.

Dear Val, that is not how you flirt with NPCs. Come on, now.

Speaking of Arvallon, I finally did something (sort of) that I've never managed before in any game outside of WoW - I level-capped him.

Cue the happy-dance.

Sort of. That's the old level cap, but I have a feeling getting him to 55 will be a breeze.

Posting for nostalgic reasons. Boy, how far we've come.

Finishing the whole storyline helped me realize how awesome the Minister really is.

I've also acquired a whole herd of alts, unsurprisingly. I think the biggest one right now is my Sith Pureblood Inquisitor, Ard'riin. He's on the Begeren Colony server and my highest-level there.

He's also kind of pretty.

He's an assassin, and is merrily zapping and mauling his way across the galaxy while he waits for his Master to finally try to kill him. Because he knows she's going to. Someday.

And now a list of my not-so-played alts...

Imperial agent Somar'i, operative. Waiting til Arvallon's capped to start seriously working on her. And she gets to romance Vector!

Consular/Shadow Arusik. Sadly, I think the only reason I still play him is to get my Miraluka legacy unlock.

Republic trooper/commando Raiffa. I don't play her much, but when I do she's a blast.

Smuggler Ismai. I love her so much you have no idea.

And I still have Arv'ak the Jedi sentinel, who I've been bad at taking pictures of. He's currently on Tattooine and nearing the end of his Chapter 1.

Those aren't all of them, but they're the ones that distract me from Arvallon the most I play most often. All my other alts aren't even level 10 yet.

And to finish off, have some scenery. The graphics and detail are still among my favorite parts of this game.

A park on Corellia.

The sky on Ilum, which is basically Hoth V.2. Prreeeettyyyyyyy.

Imperial Outpost Skyline on Voss.

A shot of the inside of the Jedi Temple on Tython.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"Under the Stars"

On an unspecified planet (Alderaan maybe?), sometime after the agent's story ends.

 “What are we doing out here again?”

 “Shh. We’re watching the stars, remember?”

 “Sir, we live in a spaceship. We see stars all the time.”

 “Well, yes, but these ones are special.”

 “And what makes them special, sir?”

 “Raina. You’re ‘sirring’ me again.”

 “Sorry. Habit.”

 “These stars are special because I’m looking at them with my wife.”

 “… you do know when to say just the right thing, don’t you.”

 “Talent, my love. Comes with the whole agent thing.”

 * * * *

 “Arvallon, shouldn’t we be getting back inside? It’s very late.”

 “In a while. I’m terribly comfy here.”

 “It’s starting to get cold, sir.”

 “Well then, cuddle up here and I’ll keep you warm. Besides, I think my leg’s fallen asleep.”

 “That’s a rather lame excuse, sir.”

 “Sirring again. Raina, did you just make a joke?”

 “I… I might have, sir.”

 * * * *

 Light spilled out onto the grass as the Phantom’s hatch opened, the ramp lowering with a hiss. Vector looked around everywhere as he left the ship, but saw no sign of his errant crewmates. “Agent? Ensign?” His forehead creased in concern, then he spotted something and went to investigate. He found Arvallon sprawled on his back in the grass, with Temple nestled against his side, her head pillowed on his arm. Both were sound asleep.

 Vector stood looking at them in indecision for a minute, then went back to the ship, returning shortly with a blanket. He draped it over them, covering them both without waking them up. Satisfied, he left them to their rest.