Still playing Allods for the most part. I've been on WoW a few times, mostly just for our RP nights. Quae's also gotten a level, she's 74 now. Shadow-priesting has been fun, kinda makes me want to skip getting her second spec, although I know I'll be drafted into healing eventually.
Work this week has been crazy because my store's been getting ready for inventory, which is happening today. And I got today off. Score!
Sketching is at a stand-still, but that doesn't bother me, since I know if I try to force something it'll look awful anyway. I'll get back to things sooner or later.
Buster has been incredibly clingy since we got back from the beach, which is understandable since he's a rather... insecure cat anyway. It is rather interesting having a 12lb.+ cat want to be on your shoulder all the time, though.

Pitch will be doing the Gnomeregan stuff, along with as many of my others as I can. Still feeling the pull for Allods more than WoW, though, so dunno how long it'll take. Heck, maybe it will keep me occupied until Cataclysm comes out. >.>
I got back into Runes of Magic for a brief stint, only to find that my characters had all their talent points reset and all their money gone. Still had all their gear/items/bank stuff, so no idea what happened. Maybe it was because of the account screw-up that happened a while ago. It's not a terribly big deal, since making money in that game is ridiculous. Samyth has almost as much as he did before already.
Ummm, can't think of anything else. Like I said, quiet week. Maybe something interesting will come up in the next week or two.
(Got some potentially epic RP planned out with Shaurria, Pitch, and Alanon over the next week or so. You should check it out. >.>)
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