Monday, September 27, 2010

Why I Like Google

Out of boredom I was poking around on Google image search a few days ago, and I found some stuff I wanted to share. Meet a few of Lark's pets. >.>

Firstly, the first ever Tuah. Just add the scars on her ear and cheek.

I wondered what Quiloe looked like exactly. Then I found this. I'm undecided about the white spot on her chest- Quiloe might have one, but it's likely smaller than this.

Meet another of Lark's older pets. Rage was probably the biggest panther you'll ever see, with an attitude to match. (Yes, he's got his own story, which I'll probably finish someday. >.>)

And finally, here is... not a pet- this is what Pitch's catform looks like. Although you'd have to imagine it being jet-black instead of spotty-looking. :P

Still writing bits and pieces, and job has been killing me this week with a wacky schedule. I just finished working 6 days in a row with no days off, but I'm off tomorrow. Then I go back again for another 3 days straight. That's 9 out of 10 days at work, for those that don't want to do the math. Yeesh, no wonder I'm tired. -.-



  1. Just a thought...
    Lark, Kel, looooong conversation about past pets, and a gdoc.

    (of course, I'd have to actually remember all the pets Kel has had over the course of almost 9,000 years o.o)

  2. Oh yes. We must do this. *rubs hands together*
