I am in Warrior Mode at the moment. My warrior Turron is now 78 and closing in on 80 fast. I've just noticed that when I pick a character that I Really Am Going To Level Next, I usually wind up on a totally different one..... But on the bright side, this will be my first 80 that's not a druid, hunter, or death knight!
Ilfariel has stalled out a bit at 24, because the WoW bug has gotten bigger than the LOTRO bug. I do plan on getting back to her, just not sure when yet.
I recently ran into an interesting PUG that I thought was worth a mention. Shaurria got Ahn'Kahet for a random, and two pulls into the instance the dps warrior ran into both of the groups that sit there. Much death ensued, and as we all ran back from the graveyard (and the healer quit the group -.-), this little gem happened.

This just makes me wonder if he would have cared that after the fiasco was over, we got a new healer, new dps, and finished the instance with no problems. I don't think that qualifies as "biting the dust".
Also, most people would feel compelled to smudge out the names to "protect" the guilty party. I have no such problems, so if you happen to see this guy... yea, you've been warned.
My writing bug has bitten me big time, I foresee another Massive Wall O' Text(tm) incoming. Don't say I didn't warn you. And speaking of which, I should go write some more now, so See ya!
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