I've been in good PUGs and bad ones. Usually I don't say anything in my blogs about them, except for maybe a passing mention, but the ones from yesterday and today I felt were both worth a bit of blog space.
I've started running heroics with Turron for gear and badges. Haven't done that many yet, but I try to at least do one a day for the frosts. The randoms he gets are usually fairly easy ones, until yesterday. Yesterday, he got Old Kingdom.
I know OK can be a romp-fest if you overgear it like so many players do now, but that wasn't the case this time. He was in a group of fresh level 80s.
It was actually pretty fun. Since we didn't massively overgear the instance, we actually had to think about the pulls before we did them. We had to be careful of aggroing the patrols, manage everyone's aggro, and not simply run through willy-nilly. It was pretty awesome, felt like the old vanilla dungeons. People died, we even wiped once or twice, but everyone kept their cool and we went on.
Today's random put him in Halls of Lightning. For the record, I hate that place even when I
do overgear it. But the group I was in decided to make it worse.
First off, Turron is still in mostly quest-reward greens/blues. He does maybe 1600 dps on a good day. And yes, I know that he's not that much help to most groups, but I do try to get stuff dead faster. It hasn't been helping that the RNG seems to be laughing at me- I haven't seen that much caster cloth stuff drop in ages. So gearing his dps set is being painful, as I'm spending the badges he does get on tanking gear.
So back to HoL. We are rolling along, the bear tank with an almost 6k gearscore is doing running pulls through the whole instance. I am running along behind him trying to whack stuff as best as I can, which resulted in my dps being abysmally low, but hey, no one's said a word yet. Then we get to the air elemental boss, whose name escapes me at the moment. Turron dies, but I brush it off, no big deal. Then the tank chimes in.
"Good, make him pay for getting a free ride."
. . . . . .
That is the moment that I realize that the tank and the other 2 dps are all from Burning Legion, probably a preformed group of friends. Only the healer (who was the nicest person in the whole group) and I were from different servers. So I came back with something along the lines of "Well, not everyone gets to level 80 with a 4k GS." Yea, I shouldn't be baiting them, probably should have ignored them, but eh. Elitist attitudes really bug the heck out of me. So then I get a spiel about how he farmed ToC 5-man until he had a 3.5k gearscore before he even set foot (paw?) in a heroic, and that's what I ought to be doing. He and the mage in the group actually went on about it for quite some time.
Me? I didn't say anything else, mostly because I just couldn't think of anything to say. Needless to say, I was rather peeved. And yes, that is what I probably should be doing, but that instance doesn't give badges, and that's what I'm in there for. I did wind up putting the tank and the mage on ignore, and the rest of the run was done in near-silence. We killed Loken with no deaths, and instance over.
He did at least drop a plate dps helm and the axe, so I finally got some upgrades. But yea, I think ToC will be getting a visit in the near future. A visit that will last as long as my guildies can tolerate, because I'm done with PUGs for the time being.
On a brighter note, since we lacked the numbers for our usual ICC raid tonight we did ToC 10 instead, then went and paid Malygos a visit. Maly took some practice, but we got him down easily once everyone clicked. Now Barraccus just needs to finish heroic Occulus for his Champion of the Frozen Wastes title.
(How he got as far as he is now without ever running H Occ is beyond me.)